Monday, April 23, 2018

Vishnu Avataara - Narasimha

For those of you who are aware and not so much on mythology - Out of some of the most popular avataaras - the 'Narasimhaavataara' is the most famous and follows with a mythological story that encapsulates the 'power of devotion' .

So, here goes -

Hiranyakashipu was the son of the well known sage Kashyapa. He along with his brother always aimed at attaining the highest of the powers not only to rule his kingdom but to rule the World.

Whilst Hiranyakashipu had been performing the penance to be granted this boon where - 
He asked that death shouldn't come either by man or beast, nor devil, nor god and additionally the death cannot come by day or by night with steel or stone or wood, indoors or outdoors, or earth or in sky - This twisted wish was granted by Lord Brahma as he was an ardent devotee and he failed to see the demonic power that would make Hiranyakashipu, the undisputed immortal lordship over the world.

By this time - during his absence, Lord Indra seeking the opportunity of the absence of the king - attacked his kingdom along with the other devas and even threatened to abduct Hiranyakashipu's wife who was carrying the unborn child Prahallada, and was later released on the insistence and interference by Narada Muni.

This incident scarred Hiranyakashipu and began to blame Lord Vishnu for this unwarranted deeds and along with his mighty wish granted he enacted as the supreme Lord and expected to be risen above the devas and the supreme Lordships .

There was just one hindrance and that was his own son Prahallada, who had become an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu and would never succumb to his father's ill deeds and would praise the supreme Lord Vishnu for his omnipresence.

Hiranyakashipu eventually was so upset at his son's devotion that he decides to put an end to his own son by using various demonic ways and powers. When all failed, one fateful day -  Hiranyakashipu points to a nearby pillar and asks if 'his Vishnu' is in it. He hits the pillar a number of times so as to cause harm to the Lord.

To his surprise and shock, the pillar cracks open with a thundering sound and Lord Vishnu appears there in the form of Narasimha. 

Ugra Narasimha 

Hiranyakashipu has no escape from this man-animal creature taken form only to finish him. The final samhara happens when Lord Narasimha puts Hiranyakashipu on his thighs and tears his belly with his lion like nails and growls with a thunderous victory as Hiranyakashipu is killed. 

However, after all God's fail to pacify Narasimha only Prahallada manages to pacify the Lord and is successful in bringing his father back to life as a reformed soul. 

P.S. Please note that all information are a part of history behind the mythology (not mine) and the information may differ based on different perspectives and narratives as the information is a reference from various sources online. I am presenting here my understanding and perspective of the same in a condensed format to keep the blog short and interesting.

You could comment below if you wish to know more in detail about any specific details/ photographs mentioned.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

To all you lovely ladies out there..

Let the world see you as you are..
This Women's Day ditch inhibitions, loosen up from the stereotypes and tick that bucket list..!

Agree 👍 or Agree 😉