Thursday, November 16, 2017

What traveling outdoors CANNOT teach you..!

Let's just start by saying - you cannot feel free if you have no mindset for one.


You might have read and heard how traveling amidst nature can help you, change you, guide you, heal you of your stress? Well.. it can, if you know what to expect out of nature..and what not!


If you are traveling big budget - you can cherish your large rooms, double beds, sparkling bathrooms with 24hrs water and room service. But, if you call yourself a travel junkie waiting to experience nature -then ditch mainstream and go backpacking. Backpacking does the trick, works on a budget, and you actually begin to value small things in outdoors. 
If you have someone nagging constantly about not willing to attend nature's call amidst the woods.. coax them or ignore them.

Medically / Invariably ill  

Nature does heal you in ways you far from imagining. However ,serious illness cannot be compromised. Please take ample understanding of your medical history,including allergens, food sensitivity etc.,  and  exercise caution before venturing outdoors, as these places may sometimes be too afar from the nearest medical center.

On the other hand, If a leech bite means ‘ferocious’ to you, then exercise caution in terms of the place you choose. Staying amidst nature, camping under the starry night might be a dream come true for many but such travel plans will need you to push limits and free yourself of certain scares. Just keep an open mind or simply prefer a resort instead.

The Gear Fanatic

gear fanatic gadget freak
Gears can be fantastic and can be of great help on any travel but, if gears are the main motivation for your travel plans then, you need to think twice before venturing outdoors; especially on hikes, treks and even camping. 
The struggle is real and there are ample chances of gears malfunctioning, that catch moisture, battery wearing out, rusting and even getting stolen!

Keep usage of gears to the  minimal, learn basic techniques for survival in emergency situations. And it's always best advised to double check all devices/gears before planning any kind of travel in general

The Beauty Expert / Luggage Chugging

There's no harm in carrying your specially designed beauty case outdoors. Sunscreens, cold creams , essential oils and medications are a major part for your hygiene. That said, keep it to the basics, no one wants to see you with a layer of make up nor has to patience to understand which shade of Kylie's lipstick range you are wearing- unless you are on an outdoor shoot.

Let's understand that traveling outdoors requires you to be prepared with clothes,creams and even make up and is very convenient when kept minimal. There are times when availability of water could be scarce and excessive‘ beauty consciousness’ may seem unwarranted to not only you but everyone else around you.

Luggage or baggage (sounds heavy already?) should ideally be just adequate and less troublesome for you to carry around. Just some important things to be aware of -
- Be prepared to carry your own luggage
- Do not carry more than you can manage
- Do not expect have expectations for someone else to look after your stuff while you decide to wander away.
- Be open minded and share the load as and when need be.


Some people desist adventure so much that even a mere jump across the stream freaks them out. You can't help but sulk with such people around, wouldn’t you? but, just don’t be nasty cause fear is a real thing. One thing could be an adrenaline pump for someone and a worst nightmare for another.

Be prepared for small adventures outdoors. If you are asked to cross a bridge, and you fear heights - seek help or guidance as to how best touch this could be achieved or probably a simpler method is to follow someone who has the skills for the same.

There's no better accomplishment than getting over one's fear irrespective of age, experience or fitness levels. An adventure will teach you that you can give yourself even in extraordinary circumstances and that experience will remain etched in your memory for times to come.


Remember there's no fun of travel if you don't get out of that car/ your comforts and learn to share and care mutually.The essentials for outdoor travels will always be based on immediate need and priority.

Fresh air, scenic landscapes, burning sweat getting tanned, drenching in the waterfall, having a self cooked humble meal under chilly hilltops with friends should all be a part of your travel journey.

Get going now!