Saturday, February 24, 2018

Goddess Kali

godess kali, halebeedu

In her raw form - Goddess Kali, Halebeedu

Goddess Kali - said to be an incarnation of Parvati, wife of the great Hindu God Shiva. She is an embodiment of a strong mother-figure, symbolises the eternal darkness that one fears is both a representation of potential with powers to create and destroy.

Perhaps the most dramatic form in Hindu mythology- Kali is naked, hair unbound, sickle in hand, garland of heads on her neck and a blood stained tongue streching out - a representation that later transformed the outlook of Devi's or Goddess worship in our culture.

Kali also embodies Shakti - the feminine energy, creativity, fertility and became a symbolic representation of ' Maa' (Mother) or 'Maatha' (Mother of all) in the whole of Indian subcontinent.

The sculptures at Halebidu have some of the best examples for hoysala form of architecture- like this one of Goddess Kali, that exudes beautiful intricate sculpting of those times and beliefs.

P.S. Please note that all information are a part of history behind the temple mythology (not mine) and the information may differ based on different perspectives and narratives as the information is a reference from various sources online. I am presenting here my understanding and perspective of the same in a condensed format to keep the blog short and interesting.

You could comment below if you wish to know more in detail about any specific details/ photographs mentioned.

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